First Name: Rose
Middle Name: Hermione
Last Name: 'of' Gisbourne
Is there is a good reason why owners need to break up the name like this in the application? I'll never understand why some applications can't just say 'Full Name:' and leave it at that. It's not like this girl's name is being entered into a database of Most Wanted Mary Sues... that's not a bad idea.
.Also. you walk a thin line as an owner if you allow these mixings of genres into your rpg. So far this rpg seems to respect a straight forward telling of the Robin Hood story according to this TV show. This bio stood out to me because if I were a fellow player here, I'd be turned off by a character like this and I'd question if I wanted to stay and role play here.
.Status: (Peasant, guard, official title etc.): Outlaw but does have a noble status
.Haw! I love these noble outlaws, like noble pirates, noble friend of the mob or noble mouse killers. Mary Sues make me want to gag with how ever noble they are despite the business they are in.
.Place of Birth: Gisbourne
Current Age: 19
Date of Birth: 18th of February
Siblings: Sir Guy of Gisbourne brother
Current place of residency: Sherwood forest
.Favourite Mary Sue MO: Hanging onto a canon, mixing genres, parents possibly killed by vampires?
.Support and why: The king, because she believes he is the only one to put a final end to this pain and suffering.
.I wish my pain and suffering at the hands of Mary Sues would end. Can anyone fix that for me?
.Personality: Hermione is a very feisty girl with a sharp tounge (one that rivals even Marians) she gives just as good as she gets and is always fighting to be one of the boys, as she acts just like one. She may give off a very hard and strong exterior deep down she's a very hurt and brooding young girl, and her emotions only become apparent to certain people she's very close to.
.Extra Mary Sue MO: Loose 'tounge' that could shut up a canon and misunderstood bad girl who strives to be a tomboy.
.Life Story: Hermione was born into a very loving family surprisingly, she took the family name of Rose as her first, although as she aged she took the name of Hermione, so as to distinguish her from her mother. When she was quite young her parents pased away because of a pestallence. (Read: Vampires. Come on. We all know I'm right.) Guy and her were thrown out onto the streets to fend for themselves, Guy took his younger sister under his wing and taught her all he could. This was when she discovered her talent for the twin daggers she carries with her always.
.Oh boy. This Sue is not to be fucked with! She's got twin daggers and I'm sure she has the psychic Sue abilities to know who's fucking with her or thinking about fucking with her. LETHAL. Oops. I think I mean LAME.
.One fateful day a noble by the name of Vasey found the pair and took them in; as he had plans for the young Gisbourne. After time he realised Hermione was fr less impressionable than Guy and so threw her out claiming she had stolen from him; so as to keep Guy quiet. Vasey, the truth be told hated Hermione as she hated him, and longs for vengance for taking her brother from her. Although before she left she managed to get herself a noble status, but now she had to fend for herself. One day when stealing bread-
.Okay. I'm about to save you all from the Sue book that is this bio. I'll shorten the rest of this bio for you and I will also show you how she will continue to rewrite the story of other canons like she's done with poor Guy of Gisbourne
Wolves saved her from the bad guys and one wolf stuck by her side and she calls him Rosco. Then Will Scarlett's family took her in. Will treated her like a sister and when Guy found out he tore apart Will's family to save her, only she ran into the forest and found Allan A Dale who was crying for some unknown reason. *GAG* They became "best of friends stealing and being merry outlaws." Guy finds her once again and makes her live in the castle with him because he just doesn't understand how awesome her new outlaw friends are. She's secretly a superhero known as The Lupin now and she longs to live in the forest with Will and Allan again. 

Now she said earlier that she lived in the Sherwood Forest. This Mary Sue is straddling the worlds between being a lady and another where she's some bad ass outlaw. It really shouldn't go both ways. In the world of Robin Hood you sort of have to be a have or a have not or else you become a hypocrite.
.Anything else? Celebrity model is Emma Watson
No! You don't say. I was expecting Alice Ghostly.
No! You don't say. I was expecting Alice Ghostly.
Sample Role-Play
The hoarse screams of the angry baker raged through Hermione's ears, she laughed to herself, they'd never catch her she'd learnt far too much as an outlaw so far and who was he; one measily baker. (I didn't know being a baker was an elitist job to have.) She scoffed once more to herself although she hadn't heard the thundering hooves overtaking her and with a blink of her eye a guard skidded on his horse infront of her blocking her path. Hermione too skidded to a halt, gazing up at the towering guard infront of her, instead of fear taking over her features just a hard scowl of determination. With a quick glance upwards along a rocky outcrop she spotted Rosco, a small smirk tweaked the corners of her mouth with a quick throw she chucked the loaf (Hee! She chucked the loaf.) up right by Roscos one white paw. Turning her attention back to the guard who had just drawn his sword; her hand went automatically to the hilt of her right dagger; her wrist slipped through the loop on the end. With one quick turn of the jeweled handle (It's a Sparklypoo handle!) she cut the reigns and the guard fell backwards from the horse. Quickly Hermione ran making her way up the rocky outcrop. Soon she was at the top and she let out a releived sigh before claiming her bread and Rosco, she ran letting out quiet laughs as she went.
And with that, I'm going to reclaim my sanity and quietly let out some vomit. Until next time!
1 comment:
Her alias is The Lupin?
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