I think Sues and Stus choose different eye colors to make sure they are seen. Sometimes eyes reflect that the character is of a different species but mostly it's done for attention, beauty and a constant guage on whatever emotional trauma the character is embroiled in. As you all know, Sues and Stus are nonstop basket cases.
"Eyes: Change color depending on thirst; Obsidian black when extremely thirsty; purple bruise-like color when getting thirsty; dull bronze when slightly thirst; liquid topaz color when not thirsty"
"His eyes change color depending on his mood, surroundings, etc, which would make them hazel."
"She Has bright blue eyes that change colors depending on her mood."
"i have long hair and like nira's my eyes change color with my mood."
"Eyes that change color with his mood, and 1½" fangs, that can grow to 2""
"His eyes change color with his mood in a single blink his usual eye color is either Crimson or Indigo, but he has several others..."
"Powers:Eyes change color with emotion."
"eyes change color with mood and drug use;"
"eyes change color depending on his mood."
"eyes are a hazel green and sky blue that change with what I wear"
"eyes change color or look like they do from green to a sky blue."
"Physical Description: 5'4", short blonde hair, my eyes change color from blue to green,"
"-Eyes that change colors with a ring of fire"
"she turns her head and her eyes change color for a second, and then go back."
"Distinguishing Features: The way her eyes change color"
"Her eyes change color, from light hazel, to a little darker, depending on her mood."
"+1 - Arithon - His eyes change color with the element of the spell. That's rather unique."
"She also has 1 crystal blue eye & a green 1; the colors switch eyes."
"appearance:messy black hair, his eyes change colors, but are essentially either grey or purple he is short and scrawny, but with surprising strength"

"Her eyes are emerald green and change colors with her emotions. When she is angry, they turn Reddish-gold and when she is sad they turn Cerulean blue. Her eyes glow with either a Blue light for Good or Red light for Evil when she gives prophecies. This can happen spontaneously…."
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