Herzlich Willkommen bei der Harry Draco Slash Group!
Hier dreht sich, wie der Name schon sagt, nur um Harry und Draco.
Als Mitglied könnt ihr hier eure selbstgeschriebenen Fanfics und Zeichnungen posten.
Zudem haben wir noch eine Partnergroup, in der wir ein RPG angefangen haben.
Zum RPG!
What does this say? I don't know. I don't speak German but I did run this club description through Babelfish:
Cordially welcomes with the Harry Draco Slash Group!
Here turns, as the name already says, only around Harry and Draco.
As a member can do you here your self-written Fanfics and designs posts.
Besides we have still another Partnergroup, in which we began a RPG.
To the RPG!
And now? ZUM RPG!

Here's is the rpg's "Beschreibung:"
Dies hier ist das offizielle RPG zu hpdmslash. Wie der Name schon sagt, wird hier nur gespielt ^.^
Viel Spaß!
Rebi ^.^
PS: Vergesst bitte nicht, dies hier ist ein RPG! Es lebt von der Aktivität der Mitglieder!
And auf Babelfish Englisch?
This here is the official RPG too hpdmslash. As the name already says, here only easily ^. ^
Much fun!
Rebi ^. ^
HP: Do not forget please, this is a RPG here! It lives on the activity of the members!
This club is no longer active. Too bad, huh? I can't even get in to show you all snippets of the slash activity. You'll just have to imagine Draco and Harry doing it.
But I do have a new edition of my Unfortunate Typos segment. This comes from a Christian rpg where assassins, elves, witches, fairies and the like romp through forests, fight with magic, carry guns and live by the bible. I found this bio and I thought you might enjoy it:
"John Alexander Pain
Gender: Male
Gender: Male
Age: 50
Favored gun: a handheld M242 25mm chain gun in the shape of a cross
Affliction: Catholic Church"
1 comment:
Ich mag Harry's feine deutsche mahlzeit der würste und der kartoffeln!! Wo ist das sauerkraut? *
* I like Harry's fine German meal of sausages and potatoes! Where's the sauerkraut?
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