Thursday, May 1, 2008

Terms, Abbreviations and Assholery: H - L

Here are more terms from The Fanfiction Glossay:
A pocket dimension where characters in silly stories keep weapons, used to explain how they whip 'em out of thin air. Named after Akane Tendo and her "war mallet," this can be applied to any character who seems to pull a weapon out of mid air. Known to Dirty Pair fic writers as "bikinispace."
Oh, trust me. This is not limited to silly stories. It flows into role playing games not meant to be silly at all. Mary Sues and Gary Stus pull this crap with swords and guns all the time. Where their bios list entire arsenols they carry on their persons, you, as the person trying to role play with them, never see the guns poking out of belts or hear the swords clinking around trench coats. Nope. These things are pulled out this hammerspace and if I sound bitter it's because my characters encounter these types all the time. It makes me want to God mode, take said sword/gun/hammer and cram it up the Sue's assspace.

h/c, H/C
hurt/comfort -- a style of story in which one character is harmed (physically or emotionally) and another must save them, make them feel better, or both. Though not often seen in comic fandom, this one's been around since the original Star Trek 'zines and is often used to encourage a hopeless romance or set the stage for slash. In Sentinel fandom, stories of this type are jokingly called "owwies."
In my early role playing I used this scenario. It's not always a bad one. My characters are usualy the ones hurt. The problem is that Mary Sues cling to this and not only comfort but also like to fix and fuck for enternity as well.
A term related to Ho!Mione, mainly seen only at the SugarQuill at present but worth mentioning for the humor factor. This refers to fics where the boys suddenly notice that "Hermione had changed over the summer. She now had several interesting curves..."
Derogatory term for Hermione Granger as distorted by fanficcers who believe that she is tragically repressed and overdue for a sexual awakening...which usually includes hair dye, slutwear, and tattoos/piercings. Ho!Mione cares not for magic nor grades; her only concern is shagging whoever the author fancies (usually Draco). The spawn of canon rape and a disguised breed of Mary Sue. See also Hermioknockers.
Hee! I have seen those- er- that in several Harry Potter rpgs. And it is true. Hermione and her hormones usually lean towards bad guys such as Draco or whomever I'm playing at the time.

"I Can Kill You With My Brain." A spooky but generally empty threat, like a poker-faced bluff. From a line spoken by River in Firefly canon.
I like this term. It may only be linked to Firefly but I can see it everywhere now that I know about it. I may even start saying ti randomly to people on the street. It's just funny.
kerfluffle, kerfuffle
An argument, often (but not always) about fanstuff and usually in writing. Could count as a small flamewar, except the for the trivializing undertone of "petty bickering over something stupid/pointless."
I now call these Cassandra-fuffles. Or Cassandra-fluffles. Freaklin Gout and Fountine know why.

lay story
A Mary Sue PWP -- basically little more than "author's avatar gets canon character into the sack." A very old term which predates the Internet by about ten years.
So this is where full on Tootsietramping came from. Not only the world's oldest profession but the internet's oldest form of emotional masturbation.
A story centered around a romance between Legolas and the author's self-insertion or Mary Sue. Very common, and invariably bad.
Look out for these Legomaniacs! They will throw you into their Legomanacles, Legomanipulate you, Legomanage your character, give you Legomandates, Legomaneuver you into their expectations, Legomangle your hopes and dreams, steal your Legomanhood and Legomanufacture you into their vision. You'll feel Legomanhandled and want to commit Legomanslaughter but in the end, you'll just feel Legomanic-depressive. And you thought Orlando Bloom had it easy, didn't you? He has to deal with all these fangirls.
listdomme, ListDomme
A more authoritative listmommy. ;)
I need to be more like this in my rpgs.
listmom, listmommy
The individual, usually female, who maintains, runs and/or moderates a mailing list -- often the person who created the list in the first place. Tougher versions are sometimes jokingly called listdommes. Called mod (moderator) in some fandoms.
I seem to be a List Bitch and maybe I shouldn't be anymore than that. Maybe it's the right balance between cuddling my rpg members, because I won't do that, and snapping whips at members which I want to do but that may scare away the members that aren't causing trouble. List Bitching suits me just fine. :o)

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