This is the same with purple eyes. Yes, purple eyes show up everywhere. Purple is the color of royalty and Sues parade themselves around like they are just that. Here is a list I put together after a quick Google search. You'll notice this is just purple and not all the nauseating varieties like violet, lavender, grape, hyacinth, iris, bittersweet nightshade, larkspur, lilac, mauve, periwinkle, indigo, plum, twilight, Virginia bluebell, wisteria blue, pimpernel and so on. Are you sick yet? We've just started:
"Lucid femme with pale purple eyes and sun-lit tabby markings."
"Here I am: Name: Ayu Age: 15 Looks: Long blond hair, purple eyes."
"her purple eyes a nice warm shade, her purple hair in a ponytail and a couple strands of it infront of her eye"
"Due to a weird mixture of different potions he experimented with when he was younger, his shortly cropped hair turned a permanent rich hue of purple, and so did his eyes,"
"Too dark purple eyes blazed behind horrible scares that coverd what could been seen of his face."
"looks: golden scales and mane and purple eyes / human shape blond hair that gose down to his weast very handsome (^^) and purple eyes"
"Appearance: Dark Brown Hair, Purple Eyes, 5' tall, yellow jacket, maroon pants"
"I turned onmy heel sharply, my silvery white hair flying and settling over my shoulders. My deep purple eyes flashing."
"Physical Description- American. Tall and athletically built. Long black wavy hair down to the small of her back and light purple eyes."
"appearence:Red dreadlock like hair,purple eyes,His old pants only inverted and Brave is in Hiragana form,Blue tanktop decorated with a picture of an Octopuss holding back a gorrila strangling a cheetah eating a rabbit,multicolored cleets"
"Caucasian, weird green liberty spikes-dreadlock combination for hair, bright purple eyes, dark yellow tank-top, bandages around arms, dark purple baggy shorts, sandals and bandages on feet."
"My character's name is Harumi, a 15 yr old girl who has silver shoulder length hair and purple eyes. She has the power of the stars which she has yet to discover.^^"
"Appearance: Long crimson hair, purple eyes... somewhat like an older version of Harumi, only with a symbol of the sun on the back of her neck."
"footsteps ring out across the ruins and a figure comes out of the smoke, dressed in black from head to foot, a long slender blade twirling in its hand a female, white skinned and white haired with bright purple eyes looking at them with intense dislike"
"Looks- Long Brown hair with purple streaks, deep purple eyes, deeply tanned, tall, full-figured, slightly muscualr."
"Description: A rather tall man, at 6 feet 6 inches, Coradin has graying brown hair and purple eyes."
"She had no choice as she looked at the one walking up to her with those fiery purple eyes, hoping that he would keep his word"
"Dracko looked outside. "Hmm..." Dracko's eyes soon bagan to fade out until his purple eyes looked white and foggy."
"Suddenly the girl's purple eyes looked at an explosion that happened in mid air. Mirai gave a big bubbly smile while watching the eye catching explosion..."
"Appearance: Tall, albino and skinny. Has acid green hair and purple eyes"
"Appearance:long white hair, with purple eyes, and white clear wings like the moonlight. Wearing a long white dress with red ribbons."
"Brody looked at her skeptically with faintly red-rimmed purple eyes. "You'd probably end up setting me on fire.""
And, because you knew this was a possibility:
"Physical Description: Reinna is on the short side, barely 5 feet tall. Her mother was a veela, so Reinna does have certain qualities *ahem* about her. Her hair is very long, but instead of the usual veela color, her own locks are jet black as night. Her eyes are purple, and her skin tone is light. "
Mary Sues: Always blurring the line between grandiose and bigger than life with pomposity and pretentiousness. When you can't just be the center of attention in one respect, why not go for the mother load, pull out all the stops, flail your arms around and say, "Look at me" in every way you desperately can?
1 comment:
The purple eyes serve another purpose as well: they draw attention away from the characters' wastes. :oD
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