Here are a few that I found that are so silly that I laughed really hard at first. Then that laugh turned into long, awkward, pitiful sob for all humanity:
Ooh! Spike sucked on Angel's no-no place. Slashy! I hope Angel has more "Spike wos 'ere" related clothing besides the cute, little wifebeater in this banner. It would be a damn shame if the back of Angel's pants didn't read, "Spike wos 'ere too."
Wouldn't it be awesome if Spike was a samarai warrior with Tom Cruise's body and Buffy was a sexy geisha and teens wrote angsty poetry about it all?


When I saw this I thought maybe someone was quoting Britney Spears' song "Toxic" and this is for a fanfic about Snape shagging Britney raw. Then I thought, "And that is why Snape rocks!"

Speaking of Britneys, here's a Britnay who spelled her banner wrong. Do you get that she's a bad ass Slytherin and her avatar is everyone's favorite little slut, Michelle Trachtenberg? I do care that Michelle's 'sexy face' looks like she's about to puke all over your shoes.
I hope to provide more banners so we can all weep for the future of our children together. If you find one, send me a link so I can post it and we can all share each other's misery.
Want to make your own silly ass banner? Try these links: