Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Grand Ol' Aubrey!

Mary Sues have a lot of names they cling too. I've found that Aubrey is one of them because it means "Elf Ruler." Get an author with a baby name book and you have a Mary Sue who thinks she rules. Yuck. You'll notice a few Gary Stu's mixed in here also. They want to get in on the being cooler than something cool also.

"Name - Aubrey Jones [only because Athena is retarded. + I forgot a last name at first lol.]"

"La de da I'll keep my name cause Aubrey means: *da da daaa* Leader of the elves!! Muahahaha So I'll be an elf. And my weapon.... I'll get back to you on that. ;)"

"Name: Aubrey Watkins
Age: 15
Bio: Short but has the highest jump, did piano for 7 years and still does it, singing is a big part of her life, her family is well known and very very rich and is best friends with Cora Roberts"

"Character's Full Name: Aubrey Zane Rowan
Nickname: A.Z.; Aubs; or something spontaneous and vulgar (usually called by his kiwi friends)"

"full name: Aubrey Hoshiko Maxwell (meaning: "Bright Star Child of the Great Spring")
nickname: Aubs"

"Aubrey Torraine[Obb-ree Tore-ane]portrayed by Mischa Barton"

"Name: Aubrey.
Gender: Female.
Age: 200 yrs.
Race: Elven."

"Aubrey isn’t the typical Slytherin.Most people like her because of her magnetic personality, including Slytherin's very own Draco Malfoy. She has formed an interest in Draco and hopes that he returns the feelings, but no matter what she will always be there for him and all of her other friends."

"Bio: Aubrey is a Felion werebeast. In this she has better senses then some, she's loyal to the leader she's following and would die from them."

"Name: Aubrey Age: 15
Which Faction do you prefer? Ninja, but I'm going with pirate this time, matey."

"Name: Aubrey Alderdon
Personality: Very shy....but can be outspoken.... kind.... good sence of humor... very poetic... can be very mean if you push the wrong buttons..."

"Name: Aubrey "Bree" Chalmers
Age: 18 [+ 64]
Gender: female
Race: vampire"

"First name:Aubrey
Last name:Mejia
History: She was raised at their beautiful mansion, there she learned everything she could, until now where her parents are proud as she enrolled."

"Aubrey is tall, slender, handsome and one look at him will tell others that he is elegant and with pride. He likes to dress in black suits that contrasts his pale skin and red-brown eyes. His hair is colored like ebony and soft like silk. He fits well with the wealthy and the women adore him."

"Personality: Aubrey says what most people are thinking, but she rarely speaks."

"Power: Aubrey has the power of Psionic Blast. Her ability overloads her opponent’s mind causing pain, memory loss, or sometimes loss of consciousness."

"Name: Aubrey Telethorwin
Gender: Female
Age: 26, actually 630"

"Aubrey’s most distinguishing characteristics are her intelligence and her silence. Brilliant is not the word for this girl; it doesn’t do her credit at all. She has a natural intelligence about her which is only enhanced by her dilligent studying and her photographic memory."

"Aubrey stands in front of the woods entrence as fog starts to roll in, making it look very mysterious to almost anyone that would see something like this."

"Name: Aubrey (last name unknown)
Nickname: Aub
Species: Ebonite (still an alien from another planet)

Eye Color: Dark brown and the both eyes turns black when he's ticked off or using mental powers"

Name: Aubrey nicole Snow
Model Name: Ashlee Simpson"

"Name: Aubrey Ilyana Lennox
House: Gryffindor
Year: 6th"

"PROFILE: Aubrey has always been known as the good girl. She does everything right, hates the thought of being in trouble, and somehow always manages to claim the title of 'know-it-all.' Is it her fault she has a photographic memory and actually enjoys learning?"

"Aubrey has a certain Potions Affinity, gained from her extraordinare father. She excells in most of her classes and tries hard to acheive good grades for the most part. Aubrey's an amazing singer as well and sometimes finds herself belting out songs she's written or she's heard from such favorites in her wizarding community."

"Name: AubreyAge: 18
Animal: Dog
Appearance: Longish black hair (up to his chin). Black eyes. Pale. God, he looks like Trent Reznor."

"For one, Aubrey is a singing genius. From the age of four she’s demonstrated extraordinary abilities with music and though her parents encouraged her to try quite a bit of things as a child it didn’t take long for the young girl to settle on singing. "

"Charakter: Mit ihrem Dickkopf steht Aubrey ihrem Zwillingsbruder Scott in nichts nach, manchmal ist sie vielleicht sogar ein wenig schlimmer als er. Ansonsten geht sie gerne offen auf alles Neue und besonders Menschen zu. Sie redet auch gerne und viel, versucht sich aber immer in Grenzen zu halten. Mit ihrem Bruder ist sie an sich immer ein Herz und eine Seele, wobei sie sich wie jedes Geschwisterpaar auch mal in die Haare kriegen, aber sie hält es immer nicht lange aus sauer auf ihn zu sein, auch wenn sie es gerne möchte. Sie kann es nämlich nicht leiden, dass Scott ihr immer wieder hinterher spioniert, wenn sie mal eine Verabredung hat und er wissen will, wer der Kerl ist. Wobei sie ihm auch immer wieder gerne hinterher spioniert, wenn er ein date hat, aber sie macht es nicht um ihm dann danach einen Vortrag zu halten, dass die ‚Auserwählte’ gar nicht zu ihm passt. Weiteres im Rpg"

Need some help understanding this last one? Here is what babelfish says:

"A character: With its thick head Aubrey is inferior to its twin brother Scott in nothing, sometimes is perhaps even worse it a little than it. Otherwise it goes gladly openly toward all new one and particularly humans. It talks also gladly and much, tries however always within limits to hold. With its brother it is actually always a heart and a soul, whereby it holds itself like each pair of brothers and sisters also times into the hair wars, but it it it to be always not for a long time out sour, even if it liked it gladly. She cannot suffer it that Scott it again and again spied afterwards, if she has times an appointment and he wants to know, who the chap is. Whereby it spies also again and again it gladly afterwards, if it has a DATE, but it makes it not over for it thereafter a lecture to then hold that "chose ' it at all does not fit. Further in the Rpg"

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